So far, we have had $480,000 pledged and $441,000 received toward our goal of $500,000!
One of our earliest dreams for Anthem is that it would feel like family. That sense of belonging and being home is felt no more deeply than when we’re in a spiritual search and finally find a relationship with Jesus, and then people to share that journey with. God’s desire is always to bring people together as family.
In fact, since the church launched we’ve had a ringside seat at the work of God as He draws people into His family. We often quote 1 Peter 2:10 “Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God”, and are amazed at how many individual, disconnected and scattered truth-seekers have been brought together over the past five years to “be the people of God” - to follow Jesus in community with one another.
And as a family, we’ve also shared a distinct calling, or mission:
to awaken every[one] around us to the life God has for us
Because of this we regularly refer to the parable of the lost sheep as a reminder that Jesus is not willing for anyone - not [one] person - to be without a relationship with Him. We have a community around us that God has called us to reach, and we’re not slowing down.
Recently at Anthem, we’ve felt that we’re at a crossroads in our growth, and our next step is one we need to prepare for together. The challenge of a suitable ministry base and long-term meeting location has been an ever-present hurdle which has limited our potential for impact. Between set-up and tear-down church, rented facilities, a last-minute eviction, and unfavorable meeting schedules, all these factors have hindered us fulfilling the mission that God has called us to.
So with all that in mind, the purpose of the Family on Mission capital campaign is to raise the funds necessary to prepare for a future permanent ministry center and meeting location for Anthem.
Will you pray and ask God how He wants you to be involved? It’s going to take everyone of us to play a part, so that every[one] can experience the life God has for us.
About pledging:
It’s over and above your normal giving
Our church operates on the generous donations of our members. We don’t want fundraising for these projects to affect our ability to conduct our day-to-day ministry activities. So we ask that you consider what you could give beyond your typical giving or tithing.
It’s between you and God—only
Some in our church will have the capacity to pledge an additional amount, and some will not — and that’s okay! Giving to support these projects is your decision to consider with God. You should not ever feel compelled to give. You’re a loved part of this community, no matter what.
It’s over a two-year period
Instead of giving one time, think about what you might be able to give over the next 24 months. You might consider the pay from your job, raises, bonuses, investments, or even unexpected surprises. Some may want to give in such a way that it aligns with tax planning across three years (2023, 2024, and 2025).
How can we raise $500,000?
If we all do our part, each in our own capacity,
together and responding to what God is moving
us to do, we can do great things.
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, because God loves a cheerful giver
2 Corinthians 9:7
Would you prayerfully consider what you would give over a two-year period for Family on Mission and make a pledge?
Frequently Asked Questions
How will I be updated on the progress toward my pledged amount?
Our bookkeeper keeps accurate records of all things related to donations and will distinguish between your giving to the general fund and the over-and-above giving you do to the Family on Mission campaign. All who pledge will receive an automated quarterly report – an update on what you’ve given versus your original pledge, for your consideration. We will simply report and never chase or pester.
How is financial accountability and decision-making handled at Anthem?
The top-level finance decisions are made by Anthem’s Board of Servant Leaders and are executed by the staff. The day-to-day operations are handled by the staff who make spending decisions based upon the board-approved budget. Decisions related to a future building purchase and the eventual buildout of a property will be governed by the board and executed by the staff or those professionals hired to handle the project management of the building.
What sources can I use to fund my Family on Mission commitment?
Typically cash and savings are the first sources that come to mind, but you are welcome to fulfill your commitment using stocks, mutual funds, annuities, IRA distributions and even assets like vehicles or real estate. There are often tax advantages to the donor when giving non-cash assets. For example, it is possible to reduce or eliminate tax liability on the appreciation of stocks by donating via a stock transfer. Anthem has the necessary brokerage account to facilitate such a transfer, but please check with your tax advisor on these matters.
Where will the additional money come from that needs to be borrowed for the building?
We have an ongoing relationship with an organization called The Solomon Foundation - a church extension fund committed to helping churches purchase buildings. We have already been pre-approved and partnered with them on a prior purchase that did not complete. More information can be found here:
What will happen if we can’t find a suitable building?
We have a relationship with a commercial realtor who keeps us apprised of all opportunities that come up in the area, but this is definitely a subject for prayer and trust in God. There’s no guarantee that we’ll find what we want soon, but the money raised will put us in the best position to purchase when it becomes possible.
Have you considered leasing a building instead of purchasing one?
Yes, it is an option. If a lease with favorable terms became available, the funds raised would be used for the buildout of the property. Usually though, in this area the leasing cost per square foot is usually more than the monthly payment if the building were purchased.
Could anything be done to purchase the property at 344 Cambridge Street?
Burlington Church of Christ continues to meet in and use their building, and that is therefore not an option to us. They know we are interested, should there be any changes in their situation. We’re grateful to them for allowing us to share their space, but it is not a permanent solution.
What happens if we find a building before all the pledges come in?
Because of our relationship with The Solomon Foundation, we’re able to organize additional financing, especially where there are pledges gradually coming in over the two year period.
What if I cannot give at this time to the Family on Mission campaign?
We anticipate that some may not be in a position to give beyond what they are giving right now to the mission of Anthem. Of course, we will never make anyone feel anything other than love from us - this is not earned nor lost by a financial donation.
With God all things are possible
- Jesus, Matthew 19:26