Men’s Group

Men’s small group - Tuesdays at 7pm

Build your faith and your friendships by joining the men’s small group that meets on Monday evenings.

Anthem Moms Group

Friday mornings 9:15am -11:15am

As a mom, God doesn't just want you and your kids to survive - He wants you to thrive. Our moms group is about bringing women together who are in this season of life, which we all know can be both challenging and oh-so rewarding. It's a chance to build supportive relationships, let the kids play together, receive encouragement from reading the bible together and pray. We hope you will join us as we journey together as children of God and parents to His children! Invite any moms you know who may be looking for connection or encouragement as we walk this journey of parenting as followers of Christ.

This group is on Friday mornings from 9:15-11:00am.

Childcare is available upon request - Cost is $40 which covers childcare for the semester

Email with any questions.

Young Adult’s Group

Thursdays at 7:30pm in Bedford

Going through your 20s can be a time of lots of transition, questions, excitement and sometimes big challenges as you navigate moving into Adulthood. We would love to invite anyone in that young adult season to join a this group that meets on Thursday nights in Burlington. Come to grow in your faith and build deep friendships.

Women’s Group

Thursdays in Wilmington at 5:30pm

This is a group for women who want to study the bible, pray and grow in relationship with other women. It meets on Thursday nights in a home in Wilmington.